Tuesday, March 22, 2011

my outragious dream I had last night (reads like a story)

In this dream me and two other people I don’t know in real life or in the dream, were living on some island with a beautiful rocky cliff side to it.
It was me, a Hispanic girl, and an African girl. I think the African girl was Egyptian and Somalian because she had beautiful soft cocoa skin and a head full of silky curly hair. The Hispanic girl had a main of long beautiful chocolate brown hair that flowed down her back like a silky chocolate curtain.
 Anyway, somehow we were captured by some bad group, and taken held prisoner in their underground prison, which really was an underwater cave.
They gave us some sort of pill that allowed us to breathe underwater without any assistance. I don’t remember the conversation, but I do remember that we were being held as guinea pigs to test some sort of experiment on. There was a heavyset Jamaican bald guy also down there.
When they were done, they told us the next day our skin would feel very tingly and sensitive. We didn’t have time to question what he meant because he forced another pill down our throats that made us breath again and then let us go swimming back up to shore.
The rocky cliff area where we lived had a waterfall, so we had to swim around to the other part and climb up the rocks to get back to the island. We could see the area where the waterfall crashed into the ocean below from where we were underwater. Although we knew getting caught in this would be very dangerous, it looked beautiful from underwater.
When we finally made it to the safe side of the rocky cliff, we began to climb up. I noticed the rocks were carved into faces that looked like Hawaiian masks. The rocks were still slippery because extra water still flowed over to that edge. Every ten seconds, we would be forced to deal with a gush of water that fell down above us. Add this to the fact that none of us have ever climbed any type of rocks, and you understand the danger and fear we felt.
Back on the island, we felt like the center of attention. It felt like everyone was watching us. We had no idea with those men did to us in the underwater prison, but we were sure we’d soon find out. We stopped to get freshened up in the bathroom, and for some reason this Black guy with skin the color of caramel also followed us in.
Turned out the Hispanic girl knew the guy. He remembered that she was looking for work and was finally ready to help her. He asked her to follow him to some building. As they were leaving, my mind turned into some sort of computer screen.
You know when you watch those movies and they show a robot or whatever staring at an object and they can see all the stats on the person as they are staring at them. Well, that’s what my mind did; only it told me this guy was evil.
The African girl and I rushed to stop the Hispanic girl before she went into the building with him. The guy got angry and charged after us, but as soon as I touched him glittery dust flowed from my hands, killing him instantly.
Turns out, the man turned us into some sort of superhuman with a computer brain and superman-like powers. The only difference is we were human. The tingly sensitive skin, we soon learned came as our powers increased. We also learned the hard way that it forced us to stay away from our loved ones because if we came within two feet of them, they’d start to feel agonizing pain that would kill them. So we stayed away.
(That’s where the dream ends. I know it’s a shame because it was getting so good.)

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